Dottore in Scienze dell’Informazione e Dottore Magistrale in Informatica presso l’Università degli Studi di Milano con pieni voti assoluti e lode, lavora da più’ di 30 anni nel mercato Information Technology, di cui +20 in ambito Cyber e Information Security. Dal 2002 lavora in Leonardo Spa, in cui ha ricoperto negli ultimi anni il ruolo di CISO Divisionale e Senior Advisor nella funzione Security Corporate. Attualmente è nella Divisione Cyber & Security Solutions nel ruolo di Senior Advisor Technology and Digital Strategy. Perfezionato in Computer Forensics ed Investigazioni Digitali presso l’Università degli Studi di Milano ed un Executive MBA presso l’Università’ degli Studi di Pavia, detiene le certificazioni professionali CISA, CRISC, CISSP, CSSLP, GCFA, CCSK (Authorized Instructor), CCZT, C|ASE, Lead Auditor 27001 & CSA STAR. Presidente e cofondatore di CSA Italy dal 2011, capitolo nazionale di CSA da cui riceve nel 2014 il riconoscimento Ron Knode Service Award e Chapter Ambassador nel 2024
MSc in Computer Science and Master of Science in Computer Science from the University of Milan with the highest marks and honors, he has been working in the Information Technology market for over 30 years, of which more than 20 in the field of Cyber and Information Security. Since 2002 he has been working at Leonardo SpA, where in recent years he has held the role of Divisional CISO and Senior Advisor in the Corporate Security function. Currently he is working in the Cyber & Security Solutions Division with the role of Senior Advisor Technology and Digital Strategy. Specialised in Computer Forensics and Digital Investigations at the University of Milan and holds an Executive MBA from the University of Pavia. He holds the professional certifications CISA, CRISC, CISSP, CSSLP, GCFA, CCSK (Authorized Instructor), CCZT, C|ASE, Lead Auditor 27001 & CSA STAR. President and co-founder of CSA Italy since 2011, the national chapter of CSA, from which he received the Ron Knode Service Award in 2014 and Chapter Ambassador in 2024.